the matter of the claim for pension, act of April 19,
1908; James Coyne late of Batty A, 1st NJ Artillery On this26th day of June A.D.,
1909, personally appeared
before me, a Notary Public, in and for the County
State aforesaid William Snow, age 78
years, whose address
is #12 McKinley Ave., East Orange, NJ who being
duly sworn, declares in
relation to the aforesaid claim as follows:
am a brother of above named applicant and I know she was never
prior to her marriage to the above named soldier and know he
was but once
married prior to his marriage to my sister. His first wife,
Jane Coyne was
scalled to death on board a ship in 1853 as I now recall it,
and she with
others were scalled beyond recognition, were burried by the
ships company.
soldier was not married between date of death of first wife
and his marriage
to my sister. Soldier & applicant lived together about 30
years, then separated &
lived apart, but neither got a divorce, nor did not apply for
any to my knowledge.
If a divorce was ever applied for or gotten, I am sure I would
have heard of it.
further declares that he has no interest in said case and is
concerned in its prosecution