
Rowe Descendant Tree Index of Names George Henry Clay Rowe

Journal of George Henry Clay Rowe
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Fredericksburg, August 13, 1862
Stopping at the house of my old friend Mrs Scott to get a candle, I was overwhelmed with her sympathies and regrets at my misfortune. Hastily arranging my money and papers, I gave Mrs Berry my office key and returned to head quarters, where I found Mr Jno J Berrey who had been brought in as a prisoner during my absence. I had scarcely taken my seat before Mr Temple walked in under guard, and in his most stately and dignified manner. Mr Abraham Cox, looking a perfect picture of fright, then tipped in as if fearful that the sound of his footfall, if heard by the commanding officer, would be visited by instant death. Mr John H Roberts followed next, tottering alone with his stick. Taking a seat, he commenced describing to Col Kingsbury a great variety of complaints, diseases and corporeal afflication with which he was afflicted, and which he declared would certainly cause his death within forty - eight hours, if confined beyond the comforts and arrangements of his home. The officer heard him through, without interruptions, and replied at the conclusion that Mr R might dismiss his apprehensions, as he would find himself, when imprisoned, under the care of a most excellent physician! Before Mr Roberts had finished his statement, Dr Cooke, with folded arms, and an aspect of perfect humiliation, walked in under escort. The next arrival was Mr Michael Ames, who, snuff box in hand, and terror written all over his hirsute countenance, straggled in, and stood as if struck dumb by the horrors of his condition. Mr John Coakley followed soon after Mr Ames and the pencil of a Hogarth would have been puzzled to depict his woebegone countenance, and terrified, trembling appearance. His face was visibly lengthened, his nostrils dilated, his lips of ashy paleness, and his eyes cast in mute appeal towards the colonel such a look of silent supplication as should have melted a heart of stone. The inexorable colonel pointed to a chair, into which Coakley sank, evidently filled with the idea that the time of his execution was at hand. After a while, however, he plucked up courage to look around, and finding nine of his fellow citizens present in the same predicament, and at that moment, perceiving the mayor, Mr Montgomery Slaughter, enter the room, under the escort of a file of armed men, his self - control returned. Slaughter's appearance was very laughable, he walked into the room with forced self - possession, and an attempt to smile which seemed to be hysterical, this, together with a set speech to the colonel, rather nervously delivered, completed the picture. I walked up and slapped him on the back, congratulated him that the "bell weather" had not been separated from the flock. Some little general, but rather gloomy, conversation than sprang up during which I induced the colonel to permit me to return to my house for a few hours under guard, a very reasonable object as I had been taken away so suddenly.

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